BAADS Inc. – Sign Please
The board is very happy to report that BAADS is now incorporated! This arduous and time-consuming process was handled with the pro bono services of attorneys at Fenwick & West under the supervision from Walt Rainieri. Thank you Fenwick and Walt for your help!
The initial incorporation was the easy part. But first we had to dissolve an earlier entity which wasn’t quite so easy. Then we merged our existing association, Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors, into the new organization, BAADS, Inc. Most importantly, we retained our charitable 501(c)(3) status. We now want to reclaim our name and change BAADS, Inc. to Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors, Inc.
To do so, we need the permission of a majority of our members to agree to this name change. If you are a current BAADS member, please download and sign the above form and email it back to Kathi. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to either Chris or Kathi. We’re almost done with this process but need your help to get her done!