Herb Meyer Regatta 2019

Herb Meyer Logo

The 10th annual Herb Meyer Regatta will be held September 21 & 22. Please mark your calendars as we need everyone’s help to pull off this annual event.

Herb Meyer was one of the sailing world’s premier racers with a disability. While racing with the prestigious St. Francis Yacht Club in 1993 Herb broke his neck – but continued to sail and race nationally and even internationally long after he became a quadriplegic. Herb was instrumental in starting our BAADS Hansa small boat program in 2006 and served as BAADS Commodore from 2002-2005. It is because of Herb’s love of racing and contribution to BAADS that we have named our annual small boat regatta in memory of Herb. Long live the Herb Meyer Regatta!

The Notice of Race, Amendment#1 and sign-ups can be found below. The boat classes are Hansa Liberties, Hansa Liberty Servos, Hansa 303’s, Lasers and RS Teras. ALL racers are welcome but priority will be given to participants from BAADS small boat and SBYC junior sailing programs. Sailors should sign-up as soon as possible as other clubs will be participating.

We need a number of committed volunteers to make this Regatta a success. Boat-setups will start on Friday. During the Regatta, we need help in the morning as well as in the afternoon with boat set-up, loading and unloading sailors, chase boat support and other race and on-the water support. Tasks will be assigned the week of the Regatta depending upon the skill and experience of the volunteers. Please sign-up for as many time slots as you are available.

Breakfast and lunch will be available for volunteers and racers on both Saturday and Sunday as well as a barbecue dinner on Sunday evening before the Award Ceremony.

We have also secured accessible hotel rooms at a reduced rate near SBYH at Pier 40 for our out of town friends. If you are interested, please email race director Jim Thweatt (thweattpt@aol.com) for details.

Thanks everyone!

NOR (Notice of Race)

NOR Amendment #1
Organizing Authority: BAADS

Sailing Instructions
Rules, Schedule, etc.


Volunteer Registration

Racer Registration