Daniel Margulies passes
Daniel Margulies, a dear friend to so many in our BAADS community passed away Sunday morning. Daniel was an avid sailor and gave so much to our club including serving as a board member and webmaster. Daniel was a loving husband and a skilled sailor with a sharp inquisitive mind.
BAADS will miss you, Daniel
We pray there’s some kickass sailing where you’re going next!
May fair winds blow you home...
“One of our favorite sails was a Cityfront outing with Dan and his wife Pam aboard Tashi. It was one of those magical bay days with strong, cool steady winds and the warm glow of the sun shining on our happy yet tired faces. When Daniel was at the helm, our entire crew felt at ease because we were in his capable hands.
As Pam spotted something unusual or funny or beautiful on the water or shoreline, their laughter and sense of awe just washed over our boat. A seal, a sloop, a log, a lighthouse – all with an appreciation and a wonderment as we were swept along in their strong current.
On this day, after passing the helm to Kat, Daniel was finally relaxing after a long skipper duty. It was toward the end of our sail and a deep contentment was settling in on our entire crew. Daniel gazed out to the so-close-you-can-touch-it city front with a peace and a golden glow that a camera can never quite catch.”
Fondest remembrance from Kat and Josh